Birth of A Heartbeat
From Patent to Product, the evolution of the HEART®
HeartMoves has been inspired by the music of master drummer Brent Lewis for many Years. We are honored this short video, assembled and edited by Mark Coelho, features “Dinner at the Sugarbush” from the CD “Drum Sex”,. composed and performed by Brent ~ ~ courtesy of ASCAP.
At the core of our philosophy is the revolutionary invention known as the HEART®. This groundbreaking product connects your thoughts and physical sensations, fostering a deep sense of awareness and engagement.
Through our unique HeartMoves® Movement Technology™, we empower you to tap into the transformative potential of the HEART®. Whether through solo, partner, or group exercises, our goal is to advance mindful movement, healing, wellness, fitness, and peak performance.
What sets HeartMoves apart is our commitment to building connections. Our partner and group exercises bring people of all ages, sizes, and fitness levels together, creating a vibrant community where everyone actively participates.
Join us on this remarkable journey of self-discovery, well-being, and authentic connection. Experience the magic of HeartMoves as we unlock the boundless possibilities that arise when mind and body intertwine.
What is HeartMoves?
Inventor’s Process and Inspiration
The HEART® and the HeartMoves® system were invented by Paul Widerman and then developed and beta tested in NY's Hudson Valley in a class setting for 8 years in the Ellenville Public Library and Museum.
Additionally, workshops and presentations followed at the Burning Man Global Leadership Conference, on the Playa at Burning Man, Catharsis on the National Mall in DC, Health Alliance hospital, Kingston NY, and numerous other impromptu test sites.
Prior to the journey of the HEART®, Paul invented and patented the revolutionary functional training system SmartBells®, founding the parent company Thinkfit®. SmartBells proved to be a cutting-edge system of movement adopted by elite athletes, strength coaches, sports teams, the military, and nationally based gyms.
Evolutions Music Festival, 2022
The inspiration to create the HEART came in a proverbial “inventor’s eureka moment” for Paul in 2012 on Valentine’s Day in NYC.
The moment occurred on a winter walk through Greenwich Village upon noticing a window display of valentine hearts sparking the intuitive flash to expand upon the experience and success of SmartBells®.
HeartMoves began with a passionate sentiment to create a “new” Heart-based design.
A NEW tool intentionally designed to enhance and inspire human energy, creativity, and connectivity.
It was like a Marvel movie character observing the state of the world, and knowing we desperately needed new tools and systems for healing, optimizing health, and creating more human connections.
After the NYC walk, Paul got on the bus in NYC’s Port Authority and went home to the mountains of the Hudson Valley….and worked for the next ten years to build a product and company.
HEART® and HeartMoves® are registered trademarks of HeartMoves® Inc.
Design Patent: D752,160. Utility Patent: 10,016,649.
Sharing The Love
HeartMoves® in the Media and Around the World
Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV
Black Rock Labs Call for Ideas at Center Camp, Burning Man
Burning Man Global Leadership Conference, Oakland, CA
Barning Man, New Paltz, NY
Catharsis on the Mall, Washington DC, National Mall
People's Place, Kingston, NY (weekly class)
Holistic Health Community, Stone Ridge, NY
Evolutions Festival 845 Vibrations, Pattersonville, NY
Ellenville Public Library and Museum, Ellenville, NY
Illuminated Festival, Newburgh, NY
Dolores Park, San Francisco, CA
Alliance Hospital, Kingston, NY
Ulster County CARES II Small Business Grant
Daily Freeman features HeartMoves and People’s Place

Open your HEART to a world of movement, connection, and self-discovery.
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